Mother’s Day Bouquet
A beautiful bouquet of dusky pinks and lilacs, using a mix of roses and lisianthus, along with spring flowers such as anemones so that you can give that 'wow' bouquet, while keeping seasonal themes at the same time.
Wrapped in recycled paper and presented in a paper bag with biodegradable cellophane to keep the flowers fresh in water.
Standard - £50 | Large - £60 | Extra Large - £70
AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY ON Friday 8th March and Saturday 9th March. PLEASE SPECIFY YOUR PREFERRED DELIVERY DAY & CARD MESSAGE IN YOUR ORDER NOTES. Contact Us us for any special requests!
Taking Care of Your Blooms
- Always take your blooms out of the wrapping, keeping the tie in place (as it will hold your flowers beautifully arranged).
- Prepare a vase of fresh clean water.
- Cut at least 2cm from the stems at an angle and place straight in the water. No foliage should sit below the water line.
- The flowers look best when they fill the neck of the vase with no gaps or wobble room.
- Change the water approx every 2 days, or when it looks murky.
- Keep your vase out of direct sunlight, away from any heat source or draft. Flowers should be kept away from fruit.